Home Tournaments

Annual Home Tournaments are held primarily to bring out the spirit of healthy competition amongst all our students (including Instructors) across all our Dojos.

  • Participation in the Tournament is compulsory for all students, but for exceptional circumstances.
  • Students are distributed in 4-6 age-groups for better administration & fairness of competition.
  • Normally, family and friends are allowed to witness the Tournament.
  • Winners at the Tournament are given medals on the spot; and certificates are awarded at the following Annual Day Function.
  • Tournament events are conducted as per the rules & regulations of RTKA.
  • Black Belt Tournament events are conducted by KIO Referees.
  • The fees are nominal & are usually distributed in 4 different Belt groups:
    • White, Yellow, Orange
    • Sky Blue, Dark Blue
    • Green, Purple, Brown
    • Black
  • The events which are held, depending on the seniority are:
    • Kata
    • Shadow Shiai
    • Kihon
    • Kumite
  • Home Tournaments
  • Home Tournaments
  • Home Tournaments
  • Home Tournaments
  • Home Tournaments
  • Home Tournaments

For more images visit our events page